Complex Assembly Inspection with Computed Tomography

Unlike other methods of inspection and non-destructive testing, X-ray tomography is not limited by part geometry and composition. It has the capability to reveal hidden features in complex parts and parts assembled from multiple components without disassembling and inspecting each individually.

Comprehensive Analysis and Results

To avoid part failure, X-ray tomography can be used to analyze each component of an assembly to ensure correct fitting, composition, and structural integrity. 

In the event of part failure, X-ray scanning is a solution to avoiding destructive, time-consuming analysis technologies that require constant operator intervention and can be prone to misinterpretations in order to determine the cause.

When analyzing a completed CT scan, users can also include geometric dimensioning and tolerancing between components within the data that can be used to make product improvements.

X-ray Capabilities for Multi-Material Assemblies

Inspecting complex assemblies is a core capability of X-ray tomography. The ability to create a 3D model of each component in a workpiece without disassembling or damaging it makes CT an excellent choice for industries that manufacture multi-material parts. 

Without damaging the integrity of an assembled piece, X-ray tomography can:

  • Perform dimensional measurement and internal failure detection
  • Inspect & measure clearances between internal, inaccessible components
  • Create geometry elements between components
  • Shorten inspection times by avoiding part disassembly

This non-destructive testing method easily gathers millions of data points from an assembled part regardless of the material composition of each component.

For components with complex assemblies, the challenges of inspecting their reliability are numerous. X-ray tomography allows us to better understand the assembly of parts, improve product quality, and operate more cost efficiently.

Why Choose 3D CT Scanning

This non-destructive testing method easily gathers millions of data points from an assembled part regardless of the material composition of each component.

For components with complex assemblies, the challenges of inspecting their reliability are numerous. X-ray tomography allows us to better understand the assembly of parts, improve product quality, and operate more cost efficiently.